Thursday, June 14, 2007

Who cares anyway :) phew...

I'm not drawing for a few days
cos I'm stuck in a position that i cant move a muscle.
I've been sitting on a chair all day long without doing anything.
I don't have my wacom with me here, so i am breaking the rule this time and
posting a sketch i draw with a real pencil. Not digital.
this one shows my mood at the moment :)
Of course something really really nice happened,
but they're some kinda personal that i may save to myself :)
besides I'm not well enough to draw them now

take care, i will post new sketches as soon as i feel better


Anonymous said...

Şerefsiz niye "kişisel" deyip adamı merakta bırakıyon?


Cem Güney Ceylan said...

: ) ehiheihe
noliyi yaw. hehe bbg evindeymisim gibi hissettim bi an :P

merak edin durun ehi ehi.
bi "kişisel" ki sorma.
harbiden yaw
güldüm yine bak şimdi :)